

How to Increase Your Sales With Social Media & Email Marketing Webinar

Over the past 30 years, Market Focus has helped over 25,000 loan officers and real estate agents make millions of dollars in commissions.

Let’s face it, marketing is time consuming and requires many technical skills to do it effectively. 

When you’re busy dealing with customers, who has time to create content and market consistently. 

Truth is, if you don’t stay in contact with your customers and referral partners online, your competitors who do, win.

In today’s tough sales environment, it’s more important than ever to implement marketing strategies that will give you a competitive advantage and increase sales.

Join me on a free webinar and you’ll learn proven email and social media marketing strategies you can use to increase your sales.

Even if you can’t make the live webinar, go ahead and register and we’ll email you a recording.

What you will learn:

  1. How To Increase Website Traffic From Your Social Media Accounts
  2. How To Increase The Use Of Your Online Tools
  3. How To Enhance Your Website With Video Content
  4. Why You Should Post Videos To Increase Engagement
  5. How Content Marketing Positions You As A Trusted Advisor
  6. How To Automate Your Social Media Media Marketing
  7. How To Promote Your Social Media Channels
  8. How To Use Email Marketing with Social Media Marketing To Increase Sales.

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