The 80/20 Rule For Social Media

The 80/20 rule in social media marketing is a powerful concept that can make a significant difference in your approach to engaging with your audience. This rule suggests that 80% of your social media content should be focused on providing … Read More

When to Outsource Social Media Marketing

Doing social media marketing on your own can be a cost-effective approach for mortgage and real estate professionals, especially small groups or individuals with limited budgets. By handling social media tasks yourself, you can save on the fees you’d otherwise … Read More

How To Increase Traffic To Your Online Tools

Most sales professionals have websites and other online tools to help generate leads and sales. One of the challenges is getting your prospect clients to use them. How can you increase the use of your online tools? Answer: Add Calls … Read More

Content Marketing Tips For Mortgage and Real Estate Professionals

Content Marketing Tips For Mortgage and Real Estate When it comes to content marketing for mortgage, real estate and title insurance professionals, it’s essential to craft strategic and engaging content that resonates with your target audience. By leveraging the power … Read More

How To Stand Out On Social Media

Every Tom, Dick, and Harry seems to be online these days, right? But what makes someone’s social media presence like a beacon in the fog? Here are some ideas: Your posts should have clear intentions, directions, and offerings to your … Read More

What Is The Best Shareable Content?

What Is The Best Sharable Content? Infographics. Infographics are visual representations of information and knowledge that are designed to convey ideas or concepts in a clear and concise way. The image below is a great example of an infographic. You … Read More

The Power of Real Estate Video Marketing Services

In the world of real estate, first impressions matter immensely. The visual appeal of a property can make or break a deal, and that’s where real estate video marketing services come into play. In this digital age, leveraging the power … Read More

Niche Targeting: Using Social Media Marketing to Attract Your Ideal Mortgage Borrower

In today’s competitive mortgage lending landscape, it’s essential for lenders to adopt targeted marketing strategies to attract their ideal borrowers. Niche targeting is a powerful approach that allows mortgage lenders to focus on a specific group of potential borrowers who … Read More